With a Little Help from Ariana’s (New!) Friends

Any kid with cancer will tell you that having the disease is isolating. You’re in the hospital all the time, separated from your friends. And when you lose all your hair, you look really different, too. And it is extra hard if you have to watch all your friends go off to college, and you…

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What a Day For Jose!

From this sweet smile, you would never know what Jose has been through during his young life. The eight-year-old was born with a genetic abnormality called Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome (LNS), which affects his nervous system. Jose was never able to walk or talk like the other kids. And just when you would think he had all…

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Briley Does It Again…This Time For Remi!!

Team Summer kid Briley loves to give Team Summer gifts to kids she meets along her cancer journey! She had a special one planned for three-year-old Remi, but there was one catch. Remi was in the hospital..and the gift was a Power Wheels tractor! No worries, Briley just drove it right down the hospital hallway!!…

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Mycha Gets a Big Surprise!

When our awesome Team Summer kid Briley showed up at Mycha’s house, he was…well…let’s just say he wasn’t exactly impressed. Mycha has good reason to be a bit grumpy. He’s only six years old, and he’s already been battling leukemia for a year. That means he’s been poked and prodded and has had to deal…

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Purple Hair Challenge 2019!!

It’s time once again for a brave group of Team Summer supporters to put their heads on the purple chopping block… all for the good of the mission! The Purple Hair Challenge is underway! Fifty-five people are raising money for Team Summer the entire month of May with the promise that they will dye their hair…

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Marnier Plays It Loud!

Marnier has always loved music. She’s only in the 10th grade, but she already knows she wants to go to a performing arts school after high school. She’s the kind of kid who can pick up any instrument and play it. And she’s not going to let cancer stand in her way. But, boy oh…

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Natalie Rides Away From It All!

Twelve-year-old Natalie’s parents felt there was something wrong. She just didn’t look right. Kind of pale. And she had lost some weight. Their pediatrician ran a bunch of tests and pinpointed the problem pretty quickly. Leukemia. After that, everything changed. Because of her treatments and hospital stays, Natalie went from never missing a day of…

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Zamirah the Princess

Five-year-old Zamirah could have been a princess. I mean, just say her name out loud. Zah-‘meer-ah. Princess, right? As long as anyone can remember, she’s been all about anything related to the glamour of being a princess. But her life has been anything but a royal breeze. When she was just seven months old, she was…

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Briley Goes to the Show!

Briley has been tangled up in the medical world since she was 12 hours old. Yup. 12 hours. Her dad noticed that she was having trouble breathing, which led to the discovery of a heart defect…that then turned into open heart surgery at just four months old. That should be enough for any kid to…

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Two Kids – Two Trips!

This is pretty cool: Two kids got the same Team Summer gift…one week apart! We’ll start with Teryn’s story. She’s in the sixth grade and has been battling ovarian cancer for two years. If anyone needed a break, it’s Teryn! Team Summer kid Kaleb, who has been wrestling with leukemia, surprised her with the news…

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