Natalie Rides Away From It All!

Twelve-year-old Natalie’s parents felt there was something wrong. She just didn’t look right. Kind of pale. And she had lost some weight. Their pediatrician ran a bunch of tests and pinpointed the problem pretty quickly. Leukemia. After that, everything changed. Because of her treatments and hospital stays, Natalie went from never missing a day of…

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Riverwood Does It Again!

Summer was a sophomore at Riverwood International Charter School in Sandy Springs, GA before cancer took her from us. The students who now populate those halls never met her. And yet every year – this makes six! – they band together to create and sell their artwork to benefit Team Summer! Earlier this month, art…

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Georgia State University Fundraiser!

It started with a business class at Georgia State University. The assignment was to raise money for a non-profit. The lesson was about teamwork, planning, and results. Fortunately for Team Summer, Raquel Del Carmen was on one of the teams and recommended Team Summer as the charity for their group. We are happy to tell…

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Zamirah the Princess

Five-year-old Zamirah could have been a princess. I mean, just say her name out loud. Zah-‘meer-ah. Princess, right? As long as anyone can remember, she’s been all about anything related to the glamour of being a princess. But her life has been anything but a royal breeze. When she was just seven months old, she was…

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Briley Goes to the Show!

Briley has been tangled up in the medical world since she was 12 hours old. Yup. 12 hours. Her dad noticed that she was having trouble breathing, which led to the discovery of a heart defect…that then turned into open heart surgery at just four months old. That should be enough for any kid to…

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Two Kids – Two Trips!

This is pretty cool: Two kids got the same Team Summer gift…one week apart! We’ll start with Teryn’s story. She’s in the sixth grade and has been battling ovarian cancer for two years. If anyone needed a break, it’s Teryn! Team Summer kid Kaleb, who has been wrestling with leukemia, surprised her with the news…

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Mariah Goes Behind the Scenes

For a long time, 14-year-old Mariah did not go anywhere, much less behind the scenes of some place cool. That’s because six years ago, she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Since then, she has dealt with – among other things – two brain surgeries and 52 weeks of chemotherapy. Yup, that’s right. And entire…

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Tyson Goes to the Big Game!!

It was the basketball game that every Hawks fan wanted to go to! The team was playing the LA Lakers…with their superstar, LeBron James! With the help of the Hawks, who worked with a generous anonymous donor, Team Summer was lucky enough to score four tickets to it! YAY! Now Team Summer was on the…

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Michael Gets Nominated – TWICE!

At Team Summer, kids who have gotten gifts become Team Summer kids themselves. That means it’s their turn then to be on the lookout for kids with cancer to help. When they find someone they want to nominate for a Team Summer gift, they tell us. We found out about 15-year-old Michael when TWO Team…

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Austen Gets to Party!

If there’s one thing you should know about five-year-old Austen, it’s this: She is girly! A true girly girl. She loves all things pink, princess, and sparkle! Frankly, sparkling has been extra hard lately because, for more than a year now, Austen has also been battling cancer – a rare form of uterine cancer. It’s…

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