Sydney, who just turned 14, recently got a very special Team Summer gift! She is having a tough time battling a recurrence of osteosarcoma, which has shown up again as a tumor on her spine. If you met Sydney, you would immediately be struck by her poise and grace.  Already 5’8″, it’s no surprise that she wants to be a model!


We met Sydney through 12-year old Kayla, who is battling a brain tumor.

Kayla’s name should be familiar to you by now. We call her the Bling Girl because of the Team Summer gift she got a few months ago – fancy “bling” tack for her horse. You also might remember that she recently gave a Team Summer gift to 3-year old Elizabeth, who is facing two years of chemo to fight leukemia.

Since Sydney wants to be a model, Kayla thought the perfect gift for her would be a fashion photo shoot! Team Summer arranged for the session with  Richterkessing Photography, complete with hair, makeup and wardrobe styling by Joahnna!


It was so much fun to see Sydney work so well in front of the camera. She’s a natural!

But perhaps the best part of all was seeing the special bond between the two girls, who are both going through so much. As with anything in life, it’s always easier to endure hardship if you have a friend by your side. And that is what Team Summer is all about!

Team Summer



Team Lauren says:

Sassy ! She looks awesome 🙂

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